Find the Perfect Easter Fit

What to rent for Easter

The long weekend fast approaches, perhaps you’re staying still and having a quiet weekend at home, or you’re getting ready for a busy few days with family - either way - Rntr. has you covered.

Here’s how to find the perfect Easter rental on a budget….

Explore the Holiday Edit

Say hello to the Holiday Edit. We have pulled together a rental edit that is perfect for those warm summer evening dinners, lunches and cocktails with friends, and summer holidays out of town. You’ll be sure to find an Easter appropriate outfit here.

Weekend Edit

Rent from our Weekend Edit

For a more relaxed, weekend away look. Explore our Weekend Edit for the perfect rental pieces for any family occasion or resort style staycation.

Don’t Bother Packing, Rent a Capsule

Want the weekend-away wardrobe to sort itself? This one’s for you. Rent a Capsule from our Capsule Collections and take the fuss out of packing. Select a capsule from your fave designer and mix and match accessories or staples from your own closet.

MYO Capsule for the Perfect Suitcase

Want to curate your own wardrobe for the weekend? Make your own capsule with three or more designer pieces you love, we’ll put it together, ship it out and voila - your suitcase is sorted.

Looking for more? Stay up to date @rent.with.rntr


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